06 June, 2010

Dakota Badlands and Mt Rushmore

After leaving Pierre pronounced Pier by the locals we headed west to the Badlands. Its just a pile of massive sand hills quickly eroding away in the weather. Good to look at though. It was a massive area.

At the Badlands
Conventional Tillage Gone Wrong
Dinosaur Fossil Area
 After leaving the Badlands we continued west. All the way along the side of the road were signs advertising a town called Wall and they have a drug store that has now become a tourist spot with 20,000 visitors a day in summer. They suck you in with free iced water and 5 cent coffee.

We went into Wall Drug and saw a big tourist destination but not a lot of substance. West Ho! roll those wagons and off to Mt Rushmore.

Mt Rushmore From Carpark

In the local town of Keystone we found a musuem which honours the scuptor, Gutzon Borglum who created the wonderful monument. The story behind Mt Rushmore is just as good as the Mount. he made a small model which was about 20 feet tall and was very detailed showing all of the presidents down to waist height. He ran out of money and died before the project was finished. He was going to make a stone vault as a time capsule aswell. That was not done either. After doing our tourist bit it was time to move on. Heading north we stopped at Spearifh for the night.

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