08 March, 2010

Day 4 St David’s Day - Welsh Patron Saint.

We all slept with varying degree of success. It was a tie & collar day and we were going to the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) for a number of meetings. Huw Thomas from the National Farmers Union gave us an over view of the NFU and the roles they have for the farmers of England and Wales. They have 22,000 members.
There are 3 main issues Huw feels the farmers are faced with:
1. Glastia. This a new program where the farmers grants are going to be linked with environmental outcomes. (Green Wales). The WAG are pushing this program with weight coming from pressure from the green movement.
2. Tuberculosis. TB is a big problem in Wales where there are lots of Badgers which are a vectre for it. Last year 22000 head of cattle were destroyed. Again the green movement are pushing for the wildlife to be left alone. There is a trial badger culling program planned for this summer in the South West of Wales and it results will be monitored.
3. CAP. It is being dropped by 10% per annum and the program is up for review in 2013. The French and German farmers hold a lot of power in the EU. Their payments are based on size and production. The NFU feel that the future grants, subsidies or payments are going to be based on land size which will discriminate against intensive farmers (pigs & dairies etc).
Huw thought other issues included, getting young farmers into agriculture and food labelling which he felt was very poor and with no back up by legislation.

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